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With Car Insurance Fraud on the Rise, It Pays to be Vigilant

Comparing auto insurance policies on a regular basis is one of the second best methods th ensure you never overpay for coverage. But sometimes, events outside of your control like being involved in a car accident can wind up socking it to your rates and sending them through the roof. More disturbingly, the increasing number of staged car accidents perpetrated by criminals looking to milk insurance companies is also on the rise. So what can you do about it?

Aside from remaining hyper vigilant when on the road and being aware of the fact that fraudsters prefer to target female drivers in upscale neighborhoods, there's not much that can be done to prevent someone from staging a car accident with you. However, there is something that can be done if you suspect the car accident you've been involved in was staged for the purposes of committing insurance fraud.

The first thing to do if you're involved in an accident is to call the police. Insist on receiving a copy of the police report, regardless of how minimal the damage to either car is. If you suspect that you might have been the victim of a staged accident, tell this to the police and also immediately inform your insurance provider. Take copious notes and photographs of the scene of the accident. All of these actions will serve to help fraud investigators do their job and prosecute anyone that's found to have been a participant in a staged accident.

If you're concerned about an auto insurer's ability or willingness to pursue suspected fraudulent accidents, look into this when comparing auto insurance providers. By finding out how aggressive an insurer is when it comes to investigating fraud, you could be saving yourself a substantial amount of pain, suffering, and monetary loss further down the line.

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