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The Rising Trend of Bundled Home and Auto Insurance

Combining home and auto insurance is a well-known method of battling the rising cost of insurance premiums. Depending on who you ask and what resource is quoted, estimates of savings can range upwards of 15 to 30 percent. But it’s not just monetary savings that’s causing many to start bundling their home and auto insurance policies together.

Additional perks ranging from accident forgiveness to discounts for automatic bank withdrawal of premiums are also causing cost conscious customers to make the move. However, it’s the idea of a centralized control—and the vastly improved customer service that results from that centralization—that’s making the biggest difference.

Insurance customers these days are demanding better service from their providers, and the idea of being able to have a single point of contact for all of their insurance needs has become a major selling point for those who previously had to deal with two separate entities for their auto and home insurance needs.

Meanwhile, as the uncertain economy is driving everyone to creative lengths to pinch pennies, the continuous advice of experts and high profile consumer advocates is having a significant impact in the number consumers combining home and auto insurance. As always, experts recommend that insurance shoppers interested in saving as much money as possible compare insurance quotes on a yearly basis—and even more are strongly urging consumers to make the switch if it’ll save them a few dollars a month, even if it means having to end long term relationships with insurance providers.

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