If you need insurance, one thing you want to get are discounts. If you don't take advantage of the discounts that are offered to you, you may end up spending a lot more money for your insurance policy. No one likes to spend money that they could have saved for something else and you shouldn't have to. Unfortunately, a lot of people overlook a discount or two (or more) that they could have gotten if they'd been aware of them.
Discounts on your vehicle are related to your VIN, or vehicle identification number. Your VIN gives your insurance carrier great information, regarding what your car is equipped with. If you have airbags and antilock brakes, for example, most insurers will offer discounts for those items. Customers who only purchase liability coverage won't see these kinds of discounts, though. They are only for people who have other coverage options such as medical payment, unisured/underinsured motorists, and personal injury protection. The same is true for a car alarm. You can get a discount for that, but only if you're carrying theft coverage - which is part of comprehensive.
Each insurance company is different. Some even provide a discount for membership in a particular group, but this is relatively rare. By changing companies, you may be able to get your insurance for a lot less. Just make sure that you're not giving up any coverage in order to get your discount. If that's the case you have to consider whether it's really a discount at all. You should always choose good coverage over getting a discount, so keep that in mind when you're shopping for an insurance company that will meet your needs. The best choice is to work with an independent agent or broker who can find the right insurance policy for you and help you get the discounts to which you are entitled.
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