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The Importance of Researching Customer Satisfaction Ratings

A recent report published by the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs that pointed to auto insurance companies as the source of many consumer complaints sheds light on the importance of picking your insurer wisely. The report also serves to illustrate how critical it is for consumers to look beyond the surface—past cost and coverage considerations provided in online instant insurance quotes—and into the customer satisfaction ratings of insurers before selecting an insurance company.

According to the report, the biggest issues related to car insurance companies and dissatisfied customers had to do with delays in claim processing and, in many cases, the outright denial of claims. Experts agree that consumers shopping for home and auto insurance often place too much emphasis on getting the biggest perceived bang for their buck, and fail to look beyond the “bottom line” to more critical concerns, like quality of customer service.

Performing thorough research means that once a customer has narrowed down their choices by hunting down instant insurance quotes online, a visit to public message boards and even the Better Business Bureau website ( should be the next step. Both are effective methods of determining the overall satisfaction ratings of existing and former customers.

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