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Frequent Rate Hikes Serve as Reminder to Combine Home and Auto Coverage

It seems that almost every day, we read news stories about insurance industry icons raising home and auto insurance rates. They’re so prevalent, in fact, that they’re impossible to ignore. But stories like these should never be ignored, and should instead act as constant reminders that if we’re not already doing it, we should all be saving money by combining home and auto insurance, and comparing insurance plans on a regular basis.

The truth is, it’s not all doom and gloom for home and auto insurance customers. More often than not, insurers will remind customers about money saving options that can be taken advantage of, like the savings inherent in combining home and auto insurance plans. Many insurance companies also offer discounts to customers who defect from their direct competition, as well as for those who make minor clerical changes like setting up automatic withdrawal of their premiums or paying their premiums in full rather than in installments.

So what should you do if you’re strapped for cash, your insurance company is raising rates, and you’re already taking advantage of all of the discounts offered? Start by comparing insurance quotes, and take your business to whatever provider will offer you the deepest discounts.

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