Everyone knows that there are certain factors that can add considerable additional discounts to your online insurance quotes. Variables like a clean driving record, a good credit rating, an installed anti-theft device in your vehicle, and even good grades for student drivers are some of the most commonly known discounts. But what about the ones that aren’t as well known? Just because you’re not aware of them doesn’t mean they’re not there waiting to be taken advantage of. Look for some of the following discounts when filtering through your vast list of instant insurance quotes.
Group Affiliation Discounts
Some of the most commonly overlooked discounts are those that you could qualify for if you’re affiliated with certain groups or organizations. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised at the broad variety of industries and organizations that some auto insurers are partnered up with. When shopping for online car insurance quotes, be sure to check if discounts are offered for members of any of these types of associations and organizations.
Infrequent Driver Discounts
With the growing availability of public transportation systems that are extending their reach from major cities into outlying suburban areas, opportunities to save on car insurance have never been better. Many auto insurers offer discounted rates to drivers who simply don’t drive as much as other people. If you’re someone who partakes in mass public transit or carpooling on a regular basis, but enjoys having a set of wheels for weekend excursions or the occasional long distance road trip, check for these discounts when getting instant insurance quotes. If you already have insurance, contact your insurance company to ask them if they offer the same. If not, it might be time to think seriously about changing insurers.
Loyalty Discounts
The highly competitive nature of the auto insurance industry frequently works in your favor. Car insurance companies are seldom ungrateful for your business, and many of them show their appreciation by offering their longtime customers loyalty discounts for sticking around. Still, the fact that your auto insurer isn’t unappreciative doesn’t mean they’re also not sometimes forgetful. Most loyalty discounts kick in automatically after you’ve reached a certain milestone with a car insurer, but if you’ve been with the same company for several years, it might be wise to look into the details. You could be sitting on the cusp of receiving a sizeable percentage discount and not even know it.
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