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Car Insurance Claims Drop as Consumers Pay More Out of Pocket

Recent studies show that there has been a marked decrease in the number of car insurance claims. While some might take this as indication that there are fewer people getting into accidents, the fact is that the near 25 percent decrease in insurance claims has less to do with an upswing in driver cautiousness. It has a lot more to do with drivers taking measures to ensure their rates don’t skyrocket.

Just getting a quick car insurance quote online proves out the fact that coverage costs aren’t dropping, and there’s no indication that they will anytime in the near future. The evidence on hand also shows that more drivers are taking it upon themselves to pay out of pocket for accidental car repairs as a means of staving off rate increases by keeping an otherwise “clean” record in the eyes of their insurers.

Whether this bodes poorly for the bank accounts of drivers who just can’t seem to steer out of the path of oncoming hazards remains to be seen. The general consensus among insurance industry experts is that regardless of a driver’s history with their current insurance company, it remains in their best interests to continually seek out rates for similar coverage among other insurers. For a broad overview, consumers are urged to keep their eyes open by surfing the web and getting an easy car insurance quote from the multitude of available online resources.

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