Underinsured homes are a lot more common than you might think. In fact, you’re probably even living in one. Of all the frequently overlooked and under discussed pieces of home insurance information, this is the one that has the greatest potential of coming back to haunt you in the event of a total catastrophic loss. The following list of dos and don’ts will help ensure you’re adequately covered if that ever happens.
My House is Paid Off - Do I still need Homeowners Insurance?
As a homeowner, you probably had to initially get your homeowners insurance policy as a requirement when you got your mortgage. This is because the lender had a lien on the home, meaning that the l...
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Insurance Coverage for Renters With Negligent Landlords
As a young, inexperienced renter, you may think that your landlord has a home insurance policy that will protect you, and that that coverage will pay the cost to repair any damage to your property....
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Is it True That a Home Insurance Claim Will Count Against Me?
When you purchase insurance, regardless of whether you buy a home, auto or health insurance policy, you do so with the expectation that if and when you have to file a claim for a repair, the compan...
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