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Minnesotans Should Get Flood Insurance, Says FEMA

With recent reports predicting that Minnesota will face statewide flooding this year, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is advising residents and business owners to add flood insurance to their policies before disaster strikes. Most standard affordable home insurance policies do not cover damages caused by floods.

Waiting Period of a Month
According to FEMA, when a homeowner adds a product to an affordable home insurance policy, there’s a waiting period of a month before the changes take effect, so policyholders are best advised to act quickly. Experience shows that in the past, home and business owners have assumed their affordable home insurance covered flood damages and weren’t prepared for the steep costs of repairs due to flood damages.

Affordable Home Insurance with Flood Coverage
Surprisingly, each year over a fifth of all flood claims come from areas with a low or moderate risk of flooding. Neither homes nor businesses have to be located in a high-risk area to qualify for affordable home insurance with flood coverage. Policyholders should contact their insurance carriers to find out what their options are, or shop around for other affordable home insurance policies that offer all the protection necessary in the state of Minnesota.

The AgentInsure Difference
Homeowners who need assistance to find affordable home insurance with flood protection can find help at AgentInsure, one of the nation’s most trusted names in online comparison shopping. AgentInsure provides accurate quotes and can put homeowners in touch with qualified insurance agents who can help them make the best choices for their individual situations. For clear and convenient quotes on affordable home insurance, contact AgentInsure today!

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