There’s a likelihood that all of us have to file a car insurance claim. As distressing as that sounds, having comprehensive insurance coverage in addition to standard collision can often make a bad situation go down easier. The vast majority of us will likely emerge on the other end of the experience with a little less cash in our pockets and a tidy sum of experience. But for some, the experience will have been a bad one.
This isn’t unique to any specific type of auto insurance company. A company that offers car insurance online is just as capable of delivering world-quality service as an insurance agency that still operates with in-person office visits and handshakes that seal the deal (after the ink has dried, of course). Cheap car insurance isn’t synonymous with bad service, either. So why do some people have bad experiences, while others come out okay? In a word, it’s knowing what to do and how to handle certain situations with an auto insurer that can make all the difference in the world. Here are a few tips on what to do if your insurance company denies your claim or fails to pay as much as they should, and you’re forced to file an official dispute.
If all else fails and the insurance company still doesn’t pay as per the decision of the arbiter, your last resort is to go to court. This is where things can start getting particularly expensive, especially for you since you’ll not only have to worry about attorney’s fees, but also costly court fees. In this case, weigh your options carefully. The last thing you want is to spend $5000 taking your auto insurer to court just to recoup an additional $3000.
Finding out your Options when your Auto Insurance Denies your Claim
As if dealing with the hassle of an auto accident wasn’t enough, your insurance company has now denied your claim. Your car is wrecked, you’re out several hundred or more dollars, and y...
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What is the Difference between Named Perils and Open Perils on your Insurance Policy?
While comparison shopping for insurance, you will encounter two different types of policies: named perils and open perils policies. Understanding the difference between the two insurance policies w...
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Can I Keep the Auto Insurance Claim Money and Repair the Damage Myself?
When you make a claim on your auto insurance after an accident or an incident that caused damage, you will receive funds to make repairs after an estimate is obtained for the cost. If you do not ha...
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