If you're driving a high mileage car, you may want to consider what kind of insurance you have and what you'll need in the future. While high mileage cars may be older and may not be worth as much money, they are certainly valuable as transportation to their owners. Auto insurance for these vehicles should generally include only liability insurance. Liability is a requirement in most states. Other coverage options, such as comprehensive, aren't usually the best choices for a high mileage car. A claim made against that coverage could easily equal the value of the vehcile. If that occurs, the vehicle is considered totalled for insurance purposes, and wil no longer be insurable.
As your auto acquires more mileage, things are more likely to go wrong with it. That's true no matter what make or model your car is or how carefully you drive and maintain it. Because of that, it's a much better idea to keep your vehicle insured properly. Another coverage option you most likely don't need on your high mileage auto is collision coverage. Unless your vehicle is worth a lot of money or you absolutely couldn't afford to replace it at all, you don't need to keep collision insurance on it once it becomes a high mileage vehicle.
In addition to liability insurance for your auto, though, you may want to look at mechanical breakdown options as well as towing and rental car reimbursement. If you have those options, you'll be able to get financial help if your car should break down. While a vehicle of any age can have mechanical problems and need to be towed, it's statistically more likely for an older car with more miles on it to suffer problems. Insuring against those problems can give you peace of mind.
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