It’s never easy to decide how much auto insurance coverage you need. Nowadays, many drivers simply settle for the state minimum car insurance, and others prefer the security of maximizing their auto insurance limits. But in truth, how much auto insurance coverage you need is a personal decision that depends on your financial situation and your comfort level. What follows are some tips to help you decide how much auto insurance coverage is right for you.
What Happens if You Do Not Have Auto Insurance in Your State?
In an effort to crack down on the high number of uninsured or under-insured drivers, every state in the country has enacted some sort of law that requires people who own and drive cars to be able t...
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Am I able to Change My Home or Auto Insurance Policies Mid-Term?
As you searched for your current home or auto insurance policy, you probably did the "right thing" and compared prices before you settled on the policies which you bought. Now, you're mid-term with...
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Do I need to Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage on my Auto Insurance Policy?
Not everyone must buy personal injury protection, but it's certainly a beneficial addition to your auto insurance policy, should the coverage be provided in your area. Personal injury protection, o...
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