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Three of the Most Common Mistakes Young Drivers Make

Studies are always revealing interesting facts and figures, and recent information that's come out about teenage drivers and the contributing factors that lead to car accidents doesn't disappoint. The information not only sheds light on why young driver car insurance can be so incredibly high, but it also acts as an effective primer to avoiding some of the most common mistakes that lead to accidents.

What follows are the three most common mistakes that inexperienced drivers make behind the wheel, which lead directly to super high rates for young driver car insurance.

1. Neglecting to scan the road ahead. Experienced drivers and those with stellar driving records all know about the importance of actually studying the road ahead to isolate potential hazards, but a surprising number of number of people – inexperienced drivers in particular – don't. Needless to say, this is one of the most important things that you could possibly do when commandeering your vehicle through any scenario, be it heavy traffic or a lonely road in the middle of nowhere. Otherwise, you're putting yourself at risk to run into whatever wanders into your path.

2. Failing to properly judge driving conditions. Setting out for a road trip in the middle of pouring rain or just minutes before the arrival of the snowstorm of the century? Not exactly the best idea in the world. And just as you might imagine, forgetting to look at your surrounding environment and judging the safety of hitting the road at any given time is one of the main contributing factors to serious accidents. Interestingly enough, this has little to do with actual behind-the-wheel skill and everything to do with judgment. Before going anywhere, always remain aware of driving conditions, as doing so could save you from becoming a statistic.

3. Distracted driving. You knew this was coming, and if you did it's likely because you've borne witness to the dangers that distracted driving can bring about. Of course, it's not just young drivers who are guilty of allowing themselves to fall victim to distraction. On any given day, you'll see drivers of all ages doing things that many of us wouldn't dream of, like texting while driving or talking on the phone and applying makeup in the middle of rush hour traffic. But it's teen drivers who account for the biggest percentage of accidents as a result of distraction. If you're a driver under the age of 20 and you want to prevent yourself from being treated like a leper when you go car insurance shopping, do the following: leave the cell phone alone, keep the stereo at a normal volume, and don't drive with more than a couple of passengers at a time.

Your ability to score affordable young driver car insurance rests entirely on your ability to keep a clean driving record and avoid getting into accidents. If you can pull this off, car insurance shopping can be a positive, money saving experience. Remember to compare auto insurance quotes on a regular basis to ensure that you're being rewarded for good driving habits, and never be shy about asking for discounts. If you don't ask, you'll never know if you qualify.

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