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Senior Driver Safety Program Can Help Lower Your Quote on Auto Insurance

Good news for senior drivers looking for lower auto insurance rates: A new AARP course can help you brush up your driving skills and even get you a lower quote on auto insurance!

AARP Senior Driving Course

Many senior drivers need help adjusting to newer models of cars, changed traffic rules and increasingly more demanding driving conditions in order to increase their driving safety and lower their quote on auto insurance. That’s why the AARP has designed a senior driving course that teaches seniors how to use new technologies in cars such as anti-lock brakes, air bags and safety belts, as well as how to drive on busier roads. In addition, the course informs seniors how to deal with medications and driving, and why never to use a cell phone, smoke a cigarette or eat a snack when behind the wheel. The driving course is available online and in classroom settings, and costs $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members.

Get a Lower Quote on Auto Insurance

Depending on your insurance carrier, completing the AARP senior driving course could result in a much lower quote on auto insurance. Even if your current insurance carrier doesn’t offer a lower quote on auto insurance, you can always go online and compare auto insurance policies from other companies to find out if you can get a better deal. Simply go to a trustworthy insurance comparison site like AgentInsure to get your free quote on auto insurance. If you have any questions about how the AARP senior driving course affects your quote on auto insurance, you can request the name of a qualified insurance agent in your area to discuss your policy.

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