Buying auto insurance in one of the coastal states does not have to cost a lot of money. There may be a few extra conditions you must meet, but once these requirements are taken care of, you can obtain coastal auto insurance the same as in other states. Just remember that when it comes time to make a claim, if you did not give accurate information, your insurance company may not pay.
One restriction you may find in the coastal areas is where your vehicle is garaged. The closer you live to the water, the more you may pay for auto insurance. This is the same for people who live in large cities or areas prone to earthquakes. Living close to the coast makes your car more susceptible to hurricanes and floods. Insurance providers take this into consideration when they are determining the amount of your premium. One way to save money is to make sure you can park your vehicle in a garage or other location where it would be safe in the event of a disaster.
Other coastal guidelines may include an inspection of the vehicle before it can be insured. Companies do not want to pay for damage to a car that occurred before the policy became effective. Sometimes, you will have to take the auto to an inspection station or they may send you a disposable camera and let you take pictures yourself.
Save money on your coastal auto insurance by combining it with your homeowner's policy or choosing to have a bank draft of your premium each month. If you drive a vehicle, you need coastal auto insurance. Compare quotes and you will find a deal you can afford.
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